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Doctors & Dentists Google Ads

Case Study Review

Identifying, Validating, and Refining

Google Ads Case Studies

How we Helped an Orthopedic Doctor
Get New Client Prospects For $13 Per Call

Before Taking Over The Account

Before taking over the account the client was running a Smart campaign on Google. They were spending approximately $43 per conversion and these “conversions” did not mean completed phone calls. Google’s Smart campaign counts clicks to calls and clicks on a map as a conversion in these campaigns. Therefore, their actual number of completed calls was closer to $100 per call. So for about $100 per call people were contacting his office.


After Taking Over The Account

Once the ARC team got the account we set up new campaigns and new landing pages. We set up tracking to only count conversions for phone calls longer than 30 seconds and lead forms submitted. Fairly quickly, the cost per conversion on this account dropped to around $20 and then with further optimizations dropped to average $8 per call on the whole account. This meant the same amount of money was spent in ad spend (around $800 per month) with far more phone calls received.

The screenshots to the left show the overall numbers along with the two campaigns we set up. The first campaign is the branded campaign where the doctor was picking up conversions for its office’s terms. This doctor was one of many in the office and this ensured clients went to him specifically. The third screenshot is of potential clients that were cold (meaning they hadn’t ever heard of the doctor or practice). This audience averaged $13 per call or lead form. This means that the doctor was being contacted by new prospective clients for only $13.


Google ads case study screenshot


Google ads case study screenshot


Google ads case study screenshot
Branded Campaign
Google ads case study screenshot

Cold Audience Campaign

How We Helped A Dentist Get New Client Prospects For $15 Per Call

Before Taking Over The Account

This pediatric dentist was running a Smart campaign and completed phone calls were not being tracked, simply click to calls which are not completed phone calls. After spending $8k they turned to an agency to improve results. We estimated when auditing their account that they were getting completed phone calls for around $200 per call.

After Taking Over The Account

Once the ARC team got the account we set up new campaigns and new landing pages. We set up tracking to only count conversions for phone calls longer than 30 seconds. The overall cost per call improved to $14. This was with only spending $400 per month in ad spend.

The screenshots to the left show the overall numbers along with the two campaigns we set up. The second screenshot is of the branded campaign where the dentist was picking up conversions for its office’s terms. The third screenshot is of potential clients that were cold (meaning they hadn’t ever heard of the dentist or practice). This audience averaged $22 per call and later after optimizations around $15 per call (the $22 per call reflects the early stages of the campaign before the cost per call improved). This means that all-time the dentist was being contacted by new prospective clients for only $22.

The Results

These businesses (and others like them) received an influx of phone calls from prospective clients to keep their client lists full.


Results screenshot


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Branded Campaign
Google ads case study screenshot - ecommerce

Cold Audience Campaign

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