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How Often To Send Email Marketing Campaigns

  by Oliver Brainerd   Have you ever watched a Star Trek fan and a Star Wars fan really get into it? Two people, each of them with definitive ideas and reasons, all well-argued and supported with compelling examples, why their side is the best side for the innocent bystander to join. This is a […]

Welcome Email Sequences and Why Your Netflix Queue Has Unfinished Shows

by Oliver Brainerd   If you’re anything like me, you occasionally skim through your Netflix queue and discover about seventy zillion shows and movies that someone only watched for ten minutes then turned off. Odds are it was you, because this is your Netflix queue. You’d like to blame it on Netflix gremlins wouldn’t you? […]

Content for Email Marketing and Managing Your Robot Army

by Oliver Brainerd   Do you remember email chains? Those emails you’d get sometimes with six gazillion “fwd:”s in the subject line, and then the email had like, a picture of a kitten or a riddle or an inspiring story or a joke. Or the one I remember most claimed to be from some kid […]

How to Improve Social Media Sales

  Let’s talk about improving social media sales. There are many ways to integrate social media into your sales strategy.    Social media strategy is essential for sales in the digital era. In fact, more than 50% of sales come from it (SmallBizGenius). When deciding how to use social media in your selling strategy, there […]

Customer Retention through Social Media

by Oliver Brainerd Do any idiomatic phrases ever smack you in the head with how odd they sound? Like, what do brass tacks have to do with basics? Beats the beets out of me.   On a basic level, the most profitable marketing in your toolbox comes from customer relationships. And the most profitable customer […]

Social Media Engagement Ideas

by Oliver Brainerd   The most effective marketing tool you could ever nab is word of mouth from someone with a genuine interest in what you’re doing. This means the most effective social media engagement you’ll ever have will be with people in which you develop genuine relationships. Or if not you, then your marketing […]

Instagram Content Strategy Skills for Marketing Ninjas

by Oliver Brainerd   If you’re here, it means somebody told you to beef up on Instagram. Or, if we did our job right, then our ninja SEO skills brought this to the top of your search. So let me bottom line this for you. With a wicked content strategy, Instagram can support just about […]

Google Ranking Factors and What Google Doesn’t Want You to Know

  Google ranking factors can feel like a thick cloud of mystery, speculation, and moving targets until you step through the fog. Once you gain a clear understanding of what they are and how to harness their power for the growth of your business, you’ll find they’re more like formidable tools in the hands of […]

How To Increase Google Rankings

If you’re interested in learning how to increase Google rankings, you’ve come to the right place!    We work with a host of clients who are highly motivated to get their websites to show up at the top of Google’s search results.   In this article, we’ll discuss how to increase Google rankings, and how […]

My Google Rankings Dropped, What Should I Do?

“Have you ever held a mini-celebration at your desk when you realize your business is ranking high on Google, only to be disappointed later when your Google rankings dropped?    This is a fairly common occurrence. There’s nothing more invigorating than having the floodgates of traffic swing open as visitors find your site. It’s also […]